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Differences between Transformers and Transducers

There’s no denying that electricity is an important part of modern life. Without the ability to control and measure it, however, people cannot harness its full potential.

Traditionally, there are two ways of managing and monitoring electrical energy: transformers and transducers. While many people use the two terms interchangeably, the truth is, each has a very distinct function.


If an electric current is too powerful, it will render equipment and appliances inoperable. That’s why transformers are often used to “step down” or reduce a current to more usable levels. They do this by using two sets of coils—one to take in the input current and the other that steps down the current by a predetermined ratio.


Transducers, on the other hand, function by converting electrical energy into other types of energy, such as power, voltage, or current. They are used in a wide variety of applications, from microphones, to car horns, and even photoelectric cells. Current transducers, in particular, convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) signals for use in control systems that monitor electricity.

Choosing the proper tool for a certain job is vital in getting it done properly. When buying a transformer or transducer, keep in mind their specific purposes so you don’t end up wasting time and money.