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Why Buy a Rogowski Coil Instead of a Regular Current Transformer?

Every device needs to provide accurate measurements rather than fluctuating current values. Rogowski Coils offers the best flexibility, wider range measurements, and no core saturations. These coils are market choice and electronic equipment needs. So that is why Rogowski coils are the best to use.

Above is one reason, let's talk what Rogowski coils have over current transformers. Why should you buy these coils rather than ordinary current transformers?

Key Takeaways

  • May come at a higher cost
  • Accurately capture both low and high currents
  • Accurate and adaptable to justify the investment
  • Rogowski coils provide a wide measurement range
  • Minimize power loss and eliminating core saturation
  • Coils lightweight, flexible design allows for easy installation

What is a Rogowski Coil?

A Rogowski coil used in many industries to measure alternating current (AC). We can use traditional current transformers. But Rogowski coils are flexible, lightweight, and free from iron core. They work on Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. These coils generate a voltage signal relatively to current through their encircle conductor.

Why Buy Rogowski Coils

Wider Measurement Range

Rogowski coils can measure a much wider range of current levels than traditional CTs, this makes them ideal for various applications that involve varying current loads, from very low to extremely high currents. 

For instance, they can handle currents from as low as 5 amps to as high as 5,000 amps, providing versatility that traditional CTs often lack.

Flexibility and Easy Installation

One of the standout features of Rogowski coils is their flexibility. They can be easily wrapped around conductors of various shapes and sizes, making them perfect for installations in tight spaces or around irregularly shaped conductors. 

This flexibility not only simplifies the installation process but also reduces the time and physical effort required.

No Core Saturation

Traditional CTs suffer from core saturation, which limits their accuracy and effectiveness at high current levels. Rogowski coils, on the other hand, do not have an iron core, eliminating the risk of core saturation. 

This allows for more accurate and reliable current measurements, especially in high-current applications.

Lower Power Loss

Rogowski coils impose a lower burden on the circuit being measured, resulting in less power loss. 

This is particularly beneficial in applications where energy efficiency is crucial. Traditional CTs, with their iron cores, tend to introduce more power loss into the system.

Wide Frequency Range

Rogowski coils can operate across a wide range of AC frequencies, making them suitable for various applications. 

Traditional CTs are often limited to specific frequency ranges, which can restrict their use in certain scenarios.


1) What is the primary difference between a Rogowski coil and a traditional CT?

The main difference lies in their construction and operation. Rogowski coils are flexible and lack an iron core, while traditional CTs are rigid and contain an iron core.

2) Can Rogowski coils be used for DC current measurement?

No, Rogowski coils are designed for measuring AC current. They are not suitable for measuring direct current (DC).

3) Are Rogowski coils more expensive than traditional CTs?

Yes, Rogowski coils are generally more expensive due to their complexity and the need for external integrators. 

4) How do Rogowski coils handle high current levels?

Rogowski coils can measure very high current levels without suffering from core saturation, a common issue with traditional CTs. 

5) What are some common applications for Rogowski coils?

Rogowski coils are commonly used in power monitoring, energy management systems, and industrial applications where accurate current measurement is critical.


Rogowski coils offer several compelling advantages over traditional current transformers, including a wider measurement range, flexibility, and the elimination of core saturation. While they are more complex and costly, their benefits often outweigh these drawbacks, making them a superior choice for many current measurement applications.

Aim Dynamics offers a range of options to meet your needs if you're looking to buy high-quality Rogowski coils. Whether you’re working on a power monitoring project or need accurate, current measurements for industrial applications, Aim Dynamics has the right solution. Contact us to learn more and find the perfect Rogowski coil for your application.

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