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How Rogowski Coils Work
Named after their inventor, Walter Rogowski, the Rogowski style of coils was first developed in 1912. They function as a measurement tools that determine the current moving through a conductor that has been inserted within the flexible Rogowski loop. Rogowski coils allows the observer to accurately examine the changes in current over a given period. To utilize the output, you may need to “integrate” the raw voltage output. We’ll talk about what this means in a minute, but first we need to explain a little more about the coils themselves.
DC Voltage Output CT Comparison
If you need an Adc to Vdc transducer, you’ll want to compare the Magnelab DCT series and the Sentran Corp 4DS series. To help you do this, consider the following chart.
What is a UL Listed Current Transformer versus a UL Recognized CT?
When it comes to current transformer (CT) requirements, approvals and registrations can cause quite a headache for inspectors and installers. Sifting through different products and components to decipher certifications and seals can be quite a challenge, which is why knowing the difference between a UL Listed current transformer and a UL Recognized current transformer is so important.
Regular to Revenue Grade Current Transformers: The difference is in the dollars
Not all AC current sensors are created equal. Some are able to measure energy usage with acceptable accuracy, while others can pin down your energy bill to within 0.2%. What makes a Revenue Grade Current Sensor?
Wireless CTs Connected to Measurlogic’s Modbus TCP Meter
Today I hooked up Measurlogic’s DTS-310 Modbus TCP meter to Magnelab’s wireless CT system, the SCT-200W. After getting it set up I created a short video.
New Modbus Meter Video Available
We’ve posted a new video of Victor Fehlberg going over the DTS-307 Modbus meter and its features. Click below to watch.
UL Listed Current Transformers Now Available
I’m happy to announce that Aim Dynamics has partnered with Sentran Corporation to provide exciting new lines of UL Listed current transformers.
Ease of Shipping
As part of a current transformer distributor that receives orders from all over the world, I have sent out a lot of different packages to many different locales. A good portion of my day includes handling the packaging and preparing of shipping labels for orders. As would be expected some days take longer to complete this than others but it is important for me to try to anticipate how long I’ll need to complete each order because the shipping is mostly completed in the afternoon that way we can include any orders that come in through the course of the day.
New Rogowski Coil Videos Available

I recently created a blog on increasing the output of a Rogowski coil.  To add to the content of that blog post, I’ve also created a video that describes the effect of wrapping a Rogowski coil multiple times around  a conductor.

A couple of weeks ago I also added a video on Magnelab’s new “tear drop” Rogowski coil.  It’s a new product designed to help reduce the error seen when Rogowski coils are placed on conductors close to the connector.  In addition, they can be used in tight situations because of their small size.

What would you like to see a video on next?  Please share your feedback.

Increasing the Output of a Rogowski Coil without an Integrator
Rogowski coils are convenient, lightweight, and easy-to-install. However, the output of a Rogowski coil is very low. For example, the RCT-1800-000, made by Magnelab, outputs 70 mV for every 1000A on the primary, when operating at 60 Hz. If operating at 50 Hz the output is even lower, only 58.33 mV per 1000A. Dent Rogowski coils are similar; they output 131 mV per 1000A at 60 Hz, and 109.2 mV per 1000A at 50 Hz.